Haven’t had a hand since I have been at the table and am down to $1370 in chips purely losing money for the blinds. But as the theory suggests we are already one player down and limits are up twice to 30/60 blinds. I am currently 3rd last in chips but what makes these turbo sit and go’s really good is just waiting to double up once or twice throughout and you should still make the money!
Being the Donkey I am, not getting hands for me is a huge lack of impatience, something my fellow bankroll companions are very good at attaining. I finally get a bad hand to play ON THE BUTTON (as if it matters – like any 2 cards that are suited) and play it just as bad as I could as the other player flopped the nuts (K10) and silly old me just top pair with the weakest kicker as you can see below.
I amaze myself sometimes in leaving chips to play with and not stupidly losing the lot on that hand. Pecking away still managing to steal pots with nothing behind to back me up I end up doubling up on pocket rockets, and can’t even get the print screen to work to show you because I'm too excited – that’s probably the bad beat of the day!
I than sit back and relax and watch people knock each other out which amuses me as I’m the short stack with nothing left and still climb up to top 4. That’s where it all went pear shape. Still of course the short stack and blinds are starting to slowly kill me till I look down at As Ks beautiful I say and shove all my last money into the pot (which is approx 3 times the big blind). Small blind calls and I’m thinking ‘please just don’t pick up a hand – one time.” Bang he has pocket 8’s. To me its ok we are off to the races and if I manage to double up here I'm a good show to make the money at least. Unfortunately for me the 8 8 hold up and we are out on the bubble. It’s a vast improvement on my last sit and go but nothing to show for it and if you don’t have results behind you, you can’t prove nothing.
So the story ends in me donating to the full tilt sit and go crew another unhappy customer, ready to take it out next time. Why is there always next time and not now?
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